Rootie Kazootie (1952– )
early children's television programming
21 June 2006
I distantly remember this show from my childhood, along with Howdy Doody, The Shari Lewis Show, and other puppet-based programs that were the mainstay of early television for children. I used to drive my sweet mother crazy, running thru the house shouting ROOTIE KAZOOTIE! I don't recall the exact nature of its appeal, other than it was a program just for kids, and that was pretty special back then. It was first broadcast in black & white. Color came when the competing Howdy Doody arrived on the NBC "Live and in Living Color". We had all of 3 stations then, and usually only one got decent reception, because there was no cable then either. It was entertaining television that slowly gave way to the cartoons, hosted by Bozo the Clown, and later to the action dramas like Roy Rogers, Sky King, and Tarzan.
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