what a disappointment
26 June 2006
I was looking forward to this, being a big fan of stop motion animation. Man, what were they thinking? Wasting all that gorgeous animation on such awful writing?! That was the lamest attempt at comedy I've seen in a long time. The character with the most lines had the most irritating voice imaginable, and blathered on in a near scream throughout the entire episode. It was like fingernails across a blackboard, it was so difficult not to get up and change the channel (okay I admit, I didn't make it through the whole episode. After 20 minutes I just couldn't take it any longer!) And the gay character, who is constantly on fire (get it? 'flaming'? get it? don't feel bad, i didn't laugh either.) is such a homophobic stereotype, I'm surprised the CBC let it slide. It feels like they just thought, 'hey let's throw some kooky characters together and that will be enough: this one will be the smart one, this one will be the nihilist, this one's gay, etc.....' The end effect was soulless and irritating.

The show looks gorgeous, the animators are talented and must have worked their butts off, so I hope they get some better scripts. They deserve it.
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