A great remake, but lacking in a few areas
4 July 2006
I have to admit that I was skeptical about a remake of Superman. I believe that we all remember the abortions that Golan-Globus made of S3 and S4, and I couldn't help but think "Hmmm....".

I was pleasantly surprised. The flying scenes show the effect of 20+ years of technology improvement. Brandon Routh does a very good job of filling some very large red boots left behind by Christopher Reeve (and kudos to the movie team for their dedication both to him and Dana). Kevin Spacey is an incredibly evil Lex Luthor.

IMNSHO, the only role lacking was....Lois Lane. Kate Bosworth just doesn't cut it, both in terms of acting ability and looks. They should have tried to find someone more in the Margot Kidder mold. That's why I couldn't go a 10 on this version of Superman.
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