Frances Tuesday (2004 TV Movie)
Excellent 2 part mini-series
9 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
8 stars out of 10

This would have gotten 10 stars from me if they had allowed the two main leads to have a romantic involvement. I was bitterly disappointed that did not occur. I am speaking of the handsome, tough, charismatic, sexy, black detective called Trent(Lennie James), and the heroine, Frances West (Tamzin Outhwaite).

As usual, in these situations, I always wonder if racism was the reason. I didn't detect any other racism during the film - but I can't help but feel if Trent and Frances had both been white there would have been a romance.

Anyway, despite the lack of a romance, this is a very well done, fast-paced mystery with plenty of depth and detail.

The story revolves around a young woman, Frances West, who comes to the realization that her boyfriend, Lucas Pilgrim (Douglas Henshall)is a heinous criminal of the worse sort.

Douglas Henshall, by the way, reminded me quite a lot of another fine British actor I've always liked, Michael Caine.

A law enforcement group referred to as "the shop" are out to try to nail Lucas, and Trent, the afore-mentioned detective, tries to convince Frances of how terrible Lucas' crimes are. Finally he succeeds.

This greatly endangers Frances, and aided by the ever-faithful Trent, she goes to great lengths to escape Lucas' clutches.

However, she has a baby by Lucas and that changes the whole picture.

The baby, Sarah, is placed with a couple, and Frances reluctantly leaves England.

But then Lucas is released from prison in exchange for information about others in the organization, and he suddenly gets a notion to be "Daddy." Apparently as part of the deal Lucas makes with "the shop", he is being allowed visitation with Sarah. During the visitation, Sarah is suddenly kidnapped.

Frances is convinced Lucas is behind the kidnapping and she is determined to rescue her daughter. In order to do so, she has to go back into Lucas' lair.

Even though she has had plastic surgery and changed her looks completely and Lucas thinks she was killed two years ago -- it is a dangerous undertaking. Anything, her voice, a gesture--could give her way.

There were many tense moments in the film that had me on the edge of my seat screaming.

I highly recommend this mini-series.
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