Puckoon (2002)
OMG this movie is great!!!
10 July 2006
I saw this at a Boston Irish Film Festival screening a few years ago and thought it was just simply amazing!! Does ANYONE know where to get it in the U.S.? It rivals such other Irish flicks as Waking Ned Devine and the Rat in it's hilarity, but alas it is unavailable here as far as I know. All about a little town in the hills that gets divided up during the separation of the counties of Ulster from the rest of the country. The most memorable scene to me was when people were trying to cross the border to get to their everyday lives. Women unable to feed their chickens/harvest the eggs, men being able to go into the bar but not actually sit at it. The church even gets separated from sections of the graveyard, which in turn creates some more very funny situations where some of the villagers and the priest (Daragh O'Malley) try and sneak into Ulster to bury a body of one of their late friends. Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!
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