Adventures of Superman: The Talking Clue (1955)
Season 3, Episode 2
A Very Funny Episode
13 July 2006
This episode, the second one in color and in the third season of Superman, had some real laughs in it for me. First, Perry White (John Hamilton) sarcastically asking what he had done in life to deserve Jimmy Olsen was hilarious. Olsen had just spilled an entire pot of glue over his boss. Hamilton delivered some great lines in response.

Later we once again see one of the dumbest crooks ever on screen in the person of "Muscles McGurk." I guess the name says it all. He was played by Billy Nelson, not a name we'd know but a face you've seen in other Superman adventures.

In this story, Inspector Henderson's teenage kid "Ray," played by Richard Schackleton (where have I seen that name?), shows off his hobby of collecting sounds on tape. The crooks get hold of the tape and use it to rob places.

After much consternation, Kent and the crew figure it out near the end and that's that.
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