"You see, I wanted to be a detective too. It only took brains, courage and a gun, and I had the gun."
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I never tire of Bob Hope's brand of humor, whether it be stand up or in films, and "My Favorite Brunette" is a great showcase for his comedic talent. I got a kick out of an early scene where he uses his famous beak to slide open the peephole of a door leading to death row. It's a self deprecating move and clearly shows that the man was big enough not to take himself too seriously.

There's an element of understated glamor attached to the presence of Dorothy Lamour here. She looks elegant in whatever the wardrobe department throws at her. Didn't you just feel the heat when she croons to Hope's character - "Please baby, do it for mama".

Peter Lorre's always a favorite when it comes to the weaselly gunsel routine. Funny how you never hear the word 'gunsel' anymore. Lon Chaney Jr.'s on hand too as a henchman for Major Montague (Charles Dingle), but it seems like he considers himself more of a friend to Hope's character than he is a bad guy.

The cameos are great, but who else did a double take with Alan Ladd looking like a young Robert Mitchum? I fully expected Bing to make an appearance, so no disappointment there - "Boy, he'll take any kind of part".

I'm not so sure that "My Favorite Brunette" is the best title they could have come up with for this picture, but you know what, it doesn't matter much. It's mile a minute quips and one liners from one of the masters, who looks like he's having just as much fun whether dishing it out or taking it.
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