truly moving and engaging.....
16 July 2006
When enjoying a film outside of the Hollywood genre, I must avoid the trappings of comparison which will ultimately elevate my perception of the quality of the movie. Once I was immersed in Seventeen Years, it was impossible not to come to the conclusion that Hollywood is betraying the viewing public with mindless waste, poor actors and little or no texture to their films..... The concepts of family angst, betrayal and bittersweet redemption are revealed through a wonderfully talented cast, playing out their roles with beautiful subtlety and believability. The story is heart wrenching yet encouraging as the guard (Li Bingbing) and her charge (lin liu) travel on a leave from prison to the home of her mother and step father, the father of her step sister whom she accidentally killed. The interaction between the two women (li/lin) is thoroughly heartfelt and you are unable to resist lin's tragic character. This film should have been nominated for more individual recognitions but it was politically incorrect in it's homeland China so as we all know, Hollywood only rewards it's own and Seventeen Years is an incredible treasure that many are not aware of outside the international community. I highly recommend and adore the vision of Zhang Yuan and this work of cinematic art. Please see it and share this with those who love a quality movie.
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