You've Been Framed! (1990–2022)
More laughs per minute than any other comedy on the box
18 July 2006
The only reason you could have for knocking this show is if you haven't seen it since Harry Hill took over.

Every 10 seconds you are guaranteed a giggle - and if one clip raises a minor titter, you mere seconds to wait before the next clip comes on and delivers you a belly laugh.

Harry and his team of writers should be commended on taking what was a tired and dated format to a new level - the kids will still love the falling over and the grannies knickers, but I can now laugh at the risqué gags that are flying over the young'uns heads! And with the use of camcorders on the decline, the introduction of mobile phone videos show that the programme is remaining in touch with the You Tube generation - as long as it doesn't descend into happy slapping, I'm all for it! If Harry and the producers can keep the show as entertaining as this new series, here's to the next 18 years of Framed!
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