Depp Magic!
31 July 2006
The name 'Johnny Depp' spells quality like no-one else in Hollywood.After powering the first of the three Pirates films to Hollywood History, debonair Depp returns to enthrall you with yet another enterprising performance as Captain Jack Sparrow. It wouldn't be exaggeration to say that Depp is the heart and soul of the film. Of course you have the vintage Bill Nighy(Davy Jones), the beautiful Keira Knightley (Elizabeth) and the eunuch-looking Orlando Bloom(Will Turner) - but its Depp who grabs the eyeballs.

The story is in continuation with the first instalment and requires a preliminary knowledge about the first film. Captain Jack Sparrow, retrieving his ship The Black Pearl in the last film, is bound to pay a blood-debt to the legendary Davy-Jones(a grotesque face with dozens of spaghetti like things down his chin) or provide 100 souls in exchange. The plot turns a wee bit complicated when it is found that Sparrow, Turner, Comodore Norrington and Elizabeth are all after the same thing - Davy Jones' heart (hidden in a chest on some secluded island) , but all want it for different reasons.Davy Jones meanwhile unleashes The Kraken (a Balrog+Godzilla+King Kong like creature) on Depp. The film's ending is literally a jolt and ultimately leaves you hoping that Summer 2007 comes earlier.
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