Listen To The Orson Welles Radio Program - It Is Better
31 July 2006
This was another one of those special effects extravaganzas that decided the story was secondary. The acting was wooden and as in the case of Hollywood these days, the main character didn't know how to relate to people.

Consider this, 50% of all marriages end in divorce in this country. When you factor in that many people get married way more than once, that means a majority of people get married once and stay that way. Does Hollywood recognize that? Not in this movie. So why was it important to throw that in? Wasn't this supposed to have enough tension between the invaders and humans? In the book, was the main character a man who didn't know his children well and couldn't get along with his ex-wife? Hardly. So those who say this is close to the book, I somehow doubt it in this regard.

If you want a enjoyable rendition of the book, get Orson Welles' radio program. At least when he took a little artistic license, it was to make the material mesh a little better with the medium. That was suspenseful. Even Jeff Wayne's musical rendition, with narration by Richard Burton was better than this movie. The only thing this movie had going for it was superb special effects. I much prefer Spielberg when he is doing great work with stories, than when he does huge special effects extravaganzas. Miss this and listen to other versions. You'll feel the time is better spent and you will be better entertained.
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