Big Brother (III) (2000– )
Orwell would have been shocked!
13 August 2006
I don't get Big Brother. I read George Orwell's novel 1984 where we are introduced to Big Brother, the watcher of all of us or at least in this case, these poor suckers who choose to live together under close watch by millions of poor Britons. This is the not the masterpiece theater exported around the world. This television show is all the rage in England on Channel 4 no less. They spend countless hours observing these young Britons and my sister loves it but I can't take it. I'm going to give the show a 2 because Imogen reacted when she was kicked out like I would have. I would have been begging the audience to get me off this sinking ship. I'm sorry but this is degrading to both sexes and the young. Who wants to be exploited for a hundred thousand pounds? I wouldn't do it for less than a million and I don't think I would survive. Let me answer questions or do something with my mind. Nicki's screaming is unbearable and the gay Canadian is annoying. Is there a requirement that there must be one gay or lesbian person in the group. The couples won't last off the set. Sorry folks, don't let your children be watching this rubbish as they say and I agree. This show is appalling to watch and can be addictive. I'm glad that I'm in my thirties and not my twenties.
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