Hollow Man II (2006 Video)
I deserved what I got...
12 September 2006
STAR RATING: ***** Jodie Marsh **** Michelle Marsh *** Kym Marsh ** Rodney Marsh * Hackney Marsh

When a man is mysteriously murdered at a party, a couple of homicide detectives are assigned to investigate. When they go to interview a colleague of the deceased man, they come attack from a mysterious enemy and, when his partner is killed, the male detective is pulled into the mysterious world of invisibility experiments that the man's colleague was involved in and the dark motives behind the killing.

Honestly, what did I expect with a straight to video sequel to 2000's Hollow Man? After Alone in the Dark, Christian Slater (who is barely on screen for half an hour) has become a name to definitely avoid. His wooden performance, along with a boring and unengaging storyline and laughable special effects, make this one a none-stop boreathon, even at under an hour and a half. *
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