Fastlane (2002–2003)
Fast Lane
15 September 2006
Fastlane was the coolest show on earth. It was shown at about 0400 in the morning which was a slight inconvenience. I stumbled onto it when I fell asleep in my big chair and woke up early in the morning. I flicked on the TV and there it was just starting. Staying up that late when you have work in the morning was worth it. It got it right, everything a excellent TV show needs, Hot women, Fast cars, Big guns, Good bad guys, Car chases, other types of chases, Gun fights, Some decent acting. It is Bad Boys but a TV show, and maybe a little cooler. But that could be controversial, don't get me wrong Bad Boys is awesome. Theys should bring Fastlane back. If you haven't seen it you really have to.
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