16 September 2006
"Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation" is the best of the 60's Jimmy Stewarwt family father doesn't know best films, much more palatable than the creepy and antiquated "Take Her, She's Mine", where Jimmy worries more than is healthy about Sandra Dee's virginity and where insipid folk songs are considered raunchy and subversive. "Hobbs" will appeal to everyone, from Baby Boomers nostalgic about their childhood, to the greatest generation, who will enjoy Stewart and O'Hara as famous actors, and Gen X's and Y's, if they're hip enough, will appreciate how "cool" Jimmy is. For some inexplicable and annoying reason O'Hara calls her husband "Rog" in that Madison Avenue shorthand way, as though she were a W.A.S.P. executive telling him he's just been fired. Marie Wilson and John McGiver as the eccentric couple are priceless; their scenes with Stewart are hilarious. And for an unexpected poignant moment, the scene in the boat with Stewart and his son is lovely. After watching an eclipse, the son says they should watch the next one together in about 30 years. The expression on Stewart's face, with it's intimations of mortality, is just beautiful. Fabian of course is thrown in for the demographic, but can be tolerated, though I couldn't stand the actress who played the daughter Katey. I recommend "Hobbs" for inclusion in a Jimmy Stewart collection, if only for that boat scene.
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