Typical B movie, where B = Bomb
23 September 2006
Without hesitation, I'd admit I've seen worse movies... but not many. ("Hobgoblins", "Manos".) While I enjoy the MST3K guys, I think even they had trouble trying to find something to parody.

Anyway, it's obvious this is a B movie. Budget actors, budget writers, TV grade special effects, etc. Of movies like that, where at least normal attempts of quality are adhered to, some movie has to be one of the worst. This film is it.

Perversely, some person in IMDb has created numerous logins and given "reviews" of this film that are better categorized as "propaganda." Disregard these rants. It's a bad movie... not as bad as they get, mind you, but certainly some fun if the MST3K guys can give you commentary.
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