it was mildly alright
8 October 2006
This is one of those movies that I've seen the title of popping up a lot lately. I caught it mentioned on a few message boards, noticed wallpapers for it on deviantart and I saw some guy at a tattoo shop wearing a t-shirt. So I finally gave in and decided to give it a viewing. While waiting for it to show up in the mail I read over the reviews for it, both on IMDb and RT, basically what I saw: either people really liked it or didn't.

Last night, after having the movie sit next to my DVD player for the last 4 weeks I finally decided to give it a viewing.

eh... I'm about Luke warm with the movie, it was alright but nothing that didn't make me go WHOA! Or have me wonder when the movie would end. It was mildly entertaining and to a small degree I was able to overlook how choppy the storyline got but at the same time I was a little annoyed with the feeling that some things were over explained meanwhile other things were excessively glossed over.

The situations the twins got themselves into were entertaining, a bit over the top but it worked well for the movie, especially their second successfully blundered hit on the Russian mob bosses So many things were just sort of tossed into the movie... the big angry lesbian at the start of the movie or the bartenders turrets syndrome that sort of came & went, the twins spoken languages, the hokey non-explanation of Il Duce or the extremely skimmed over capture of the twins by the Italian Mafia.

The movie seems heavily inspired by Quentin Tarantino, specifically Pulp Fiction but sadly the writer didn't understand that story is a key element in a good movie, not just the basis of the idea.

Like I said, the movie was alright, I didn't come out hating it but at the same time I can only give the movie a 5/10
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