"The butler has a face that would give you a nightmare." More Euro horror crap.
13 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
La Plus Longue Nuit du Diable, or The Devil's Nightmare as it's more commonly known to English speaking audiences, tells the tale of five stranded tourists, the holiday organiser & some woman who all take shelter at the ancestral castle of Baron von Rhoneberg (Jean Servais) somewhere in the rural heart of Germany. The seven travellers are all given a room by Hans the butler & they all bed down for the night. Unfortunately there is an evil & sinister presence within the house that the guests begin to fall victim to...

This Italian Belgium co-production was co-written & directed by Jean Brismee & in my opinion is crap. The script by Brismee & Pierre-Claude Garnier is incredibly slow & is pretty stupid. The character's are really bad in this one, apparently each one is meant to represent one of the seven deadly sins. Well, all I can say is that Brismee & Garnier's writing style must be subtle to say the least as I didn't notice this in any regard apart from the sin of Greed which is well represented. I mean if I want to watch a great film about the seven deadly sins then I'll watch Se7en (1995) & not this obscure, abstract, unfocused, poorly written & badly thought out mess of a film. I didn't like it & the even the twist ending which supposedly ties everything up is hard to grasp & frankly I couldn't be bothered to try & figure it out. There is one funny scene here though, there's a scene when a woman is taking a bath & her lesbian female friend walks in & starts to help her wash & generally fondle her body & her excuse is that 'if I don't help you we'll be late for dinner'! Now that's a chat up line, right? I really have to try that one out at some point when the situation presents itself...

Director Brismee has a great location at his disposal in a fantastic Gothic looking castle so the film has a pretty good atmosphere, unfortunately it doesn't have a good script which would have helped. I found it all rather dull, slow & forgettable with some of the worst, most stiff & unnatural sounding dialogue your likely to hear. There's not much exploitation, not much nudity & no decent blood or gore at all. What's the point?

Technically the film is alright, it is quite well made. Since everyone is dubbed with comedy voices it's hard to determine what the original performances were like, I'll be kind to the script & say that what is said in the English version isn't a direct translation of the original French dialogue.

La Plus Longue Nuit du Diable is total crap in my opinion, the story is slow, goes nowhere fast & is pretty abstract. Did nothing for me at all, one to avoid. Also known as Castle of Death, Nightmare of Terror, Succubus, The Devil Walks at Midnight, The Devil's Longest Night & the misleading Vampire Playgirls as there isn't a single Vampire in it.
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