Follow the River (1995 TV Movie)
Awful Adaptation
16 October 2006
This was probably the worst adaptation of a book I have ever seen. The book was absolutely unforgettable, the movie is very forgettable. This is not to say the actors were bad. I thought Sheryl Lee, Renee O'Connor and Eric Schweig all did credible jobs acting, considering the Political Correct dribble that was passed off as writing. If I were James Alexander Thom I would NEVER option another book to Hollywood considering the treatment of this book. If you want the real story of a woman who trekked nearly 1000 miles from Northern Kentucky to her farm in Virginia as winter was coming on. No weapons, no blankets, her clothes rotting off, and the only food was that which was found along the way, Follow the River by Jim Thom is the book for you.
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