Keeping an open mind helps.
18 October 2006
As I started watching, it seemed very cheesy at first: clips are shown of group seminars and the very small parts of the speech we are shown don't seem to make much sense.

However, once the flashbacks start it totally blew me away! The depictions of homeless life and the struggles to regain your life are all too real and identifiable.

The emotion here and throughout the film is very strong at many parts and you can feel the silence in the room, and the tears start to form in your eyes. Now, I'm not the emotional type, however seeing Henry trying not to lose it the first time he's forced to eat out of the dumpster is hands down one of the best acting performances I've ever witnessed on the big screen!

Also this movie kept you on the edge of your seat the whole time, just to see how the main characters' life changes so drastically from beginning to end. After witnessing the flashbacks, the rest of the movie begins to make more sense.

It does not matter if you believe in God, or if you believe God speaks to Neale. The words expressed in the 'Conversations with God' books and in the film are "take at face value". We are asked to question our beliefs about the world and find our own inner truth.

This is not a movie only for the 'religious' or 'spiritual', quite the contrary this film reaches all people and walks of life and opens the questions in life that we all can identify with.

I highly encourage EVERYONE to see this film. There's something for everyone. I do not doubt that this film and the books will change lives. After seeing the ending, it makes you want to see it from the start once more. Definitely a film to be watched again and again for all age groups, for ages to come!

10 stars for the book, 9 for the movie.
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