History in the strangest of places
6 November 2006
"The Dirty Picture Show" is an interesting little gay adult film for its time. First of all, it was shot during the pre-video (and what would later become known as the pre-condom) days, at a time when most gay film loops were usually set in cheesy hotel rooms, badly decorated bedrooms, and pool decks. Yet this film is shot inside the now historic Vista Theatre in Hollywood/Los Feliz -- with opening and closing scenes shot outside the building itself.

Additionally, this film becomes a film-within-a-film as the main character watches two all-male adult films in the auditorium (while having sex with various patrons of the theatre). The action alternates between the films on the screen, sometimes seen through a haze of cigarette smoke (back when you apparently could still smoke in theatres), and the action happening between the main character and his anonymous tricks. You even get to see the titles of the films he is watching... though I am not certain if they were ever released individually or filmed for the purpose of using as the backdrop for this film.

At any rate, "The Dirty Picture Show" is technically advanced for its day and genre, also using a lot of actual sound for the "live" action, including the set-ups for the different scenes (many adult gay films of the period were filmed without sound only to have the moans and groans dubbed in later by the production team). The over-the-shoulder views of the screen, cut to the actual "films" themselves, cut to the "live" action in the auditorium comes off as much more professional and thought out than most adult films of the time. And while the films on the screen have cheesy set ups (an aspiring photo model gets seduced by his photographer; a young man seduces his pool-cleaning guy), the "live" scenes come off as more natural and spontaneous and thereby more realistic.

Any theatre historian interested in the Vista Theatre may find the settings interesting, as it shows parts of the theatre lobby, auditorium, and (supposedly) the men's room as they appeared during the theatre's run as an X-rated entertainment house in the 70's. However these aspects are incidental to the action, so if you want to watch it for historical purpose you may have to deal with the very graphic gay sex action as well.
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