Not The worst movie ever.....
10 November 2006
Anyone who claims that this is the worst movie ever has simply not seen enough movies. If you want to see some things that are truly reeking, smelly crap fests, I suggest checking out some of those Brain Damage or York Entertainment horror and/or urban SOV/DTV programmers. Those flicks are so bad, they don't make it past the category of home movie. At least MAX MAGICIAN can boast the fact that it's actually shot on 35mm film, has some decent make-up effects and a professional original score. That said, this film is indeed one of the absolutely lamest films I have ever inflicted on myself. Basically take a standard issue Disney/Family Channel movie, take it down ten notches and remove any all production value and talent and you're left with this turd. Editing is lousy, the cinematography is pedestrian, the writing is laughable and let's not even get started on the acting. Throw in a squad of LARPers and Ren fest refugees and you've got a five car pile up of a movie. It makes you wish MST3K was still on the air because would be a great follow up to FINAL SACRIFICE.

As a parting shot as I must mention the truly abominable special effects. In this day and age when Star wars fan films can boast to having an impressive level of scale and gloss, the only effects this movie can boast of are an occasional matte, a sparkling effect that shows up waaaaay too often, and that reaally tacky effect where you put the camera on a tripod and then start and stop it to make somebody vanish. Lame? You betch your arse!
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