Happy Go lucky Funny film
11 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is actually a very good film. I gotta wonder what others are complaining about. Okay there is some dated humor. Some pre WWII Russian humor which is prevalent in some 30's films before cold war cast them as the enemies. What's great about this movie, Judy Garland is in her typical personal problem solving mode. Trying to help her own family in distress. Of course playing the part of a young girl she may be making a little more of the problem that what's happening. But apparently the performing family hasn't been putting out real work. So they are in need of a financial rescue.

What is great about this movie. Well the script isn't very tight, because at times a song just happens because people are happy. Nothing wrong with that for die hard musical lovers. What makes this film great. Well look at Judy's father, he's such an overblown ham and takes himself too seriously. All the "important" actors in the family who are supposed to be great (in their own eyes) are just hams. And they are in need of rescue. Whereas the "regular" folks who are supposed to be the underclass, Judy and the help are the ones to break into the big time to save the family. It's really great, everyone plays there part really well and if you get to watch these players play other parts, for example watch "THE GOOD FAIRY" before watching this and check out the same actor who plays Judy's father, plays a butler in that movie. It's really a great film.

Now later films were a little more tight with their plots and the music may have fit the action more. A little less, "Broadway melody" style of musical. In the 30s movies often did musical themes because they tied into "getting on the stage", etc. A simple plot that was in many early musicals, even Fred Astaire movies. So this is a common theme and one in early musicals.

I could watch this again and again, and I have. For those of you lucky enough to have a Laserdisc copy, this like many other 30s musicals is a treat to watch on laser disk.

I'm giving it an 8, but in some ways it's almost a 10 for the repeatable enjoyment factor.
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