Either the Next Holiday Classic or the Next Holiday Disaster
12 December 2006
This movie is going to go one of two ways, it will either become a treasured holiday classic and in thirty years film buffs will be the only ones to say "Did you know that there was and original cartoon?" Or it will be quickly forgotten and gain a reputation of the worst Christmas movie idea since Santa Claus Conquers the Martins. and then in thirty years film buffs will say "Did you know that the was a really bad live action version?" every time someone mentions the classic. Now is a chance, before the movie's reputation is sealed to say that this movie is almost right down the middle. This movie tries so hard to be heartwarming, adding in Family problems with the sure fire dad that is always too busy for his kids. Also added in is Sparky Santas elf who wants Christmas to keep up with the times. In fact besides the very very basic plot (Jingle and Jangle go to find Christmas Spirit) this movie takes true liberties with what it is given. The Miser brothers seem almost in the story because they were in the first one. They sing their song in their first appearance in the film, it seems almost to get out of the way. And to be honest, most people are going to watch this movie because the loved the miser song from the first one. And I would have been among the rioters if that had not been in the movie but it didn't fit into this story as it did into the first one. The casting on the other had was next to perfect. John Goodman was born to be Santa and its high time that someone in Hollywood saw that. And Chris Kattan had me laughing out loud in several places. And while this cant replace the original classic, I feel that if it does end up being a bit of film buff trivia then future generations will be missing an enjoyable two hours.
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