Peopletoys (1974)
"Those horror movies really make your hemoglobin congeal, eh?" "Make your blood freeze, Sister Sixto."
19 December 2006
"Devil Times Five" wouldn't really be worth noticing except for a most unusual aspect: it stars Shelley Morrison, aka Sister Sixto on "The Flying Nun" (she apparently also starred on "Will & Grace", but I've never seen that); in fact, one of the characters in this movie is a novice nun (like Sister Bertrille was). Otherwise, the movie is little that we haven't seen before, as some psycho children escape a crashed van in the mountains and make their way to a cabin where they proceed to make mincemeat of the adults. Pretty much all the cast members are so obnoxious - stupid adults and boring children - that I couldn't really tell which side to root for. There's some sex to keep things going, but such scenes can only do so much.

So, Shelley Morrison is really the only reason to watch this movie. You keep expecting her to blurt out some mangled phrase as Sister Sixto did, but no, she spends most of the movie staring. Mostly not worth the time.
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