An enjoyably trashy 80's sword and sorcery fantasy action romp
25 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Cunning Dark One warrior Kain (nicely essayed with customary low-key laconic cool by David Carradine) wanders the magical world of Ura as a blithely amoral sword-for-hire. Kain winds up at a small village where two evil rival factions -- one led by the cruel Zeg the Tyrant (a perfectly hateful Luke Askew) and the other headed by gross fat degenerate Bal Caz (a deliciously odious William Marin) -- fight over possession of the only well. Kain shrewdly pits both sides against each other while the poor browbeaten villagers watch from the sidelines. Writer/director John Broderick maintains a steady pace throughout, neatly creates a suitably oddball atmosphere, and stages the plentiful exciting bloody sword fights with considerable go-for-it brio. Better still, this film sure doesn't skimp on the delectable gratuitous distaff nudity: Stunning brunette beauty Maria Socas as bewitching sorceress Naja spends the bulk of her screen time topless, plus there's an incredible exotic dancer with four breasts and a substantial number of hot naked babe extras. Leonardo Rodriguez Solis' rough, but attractive cinematography, Louis Saunders' spacey, stirring score and the concise 77 minute running time are likewise up to speed as well. A pleasingly tight'n'trashy Grade B exploitation fantasy version of Akira Kurosawa's classic "Yojimbo."
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