Weird But Interesting
26 December 2006
I have this on tape and had not seen it in years and decided to view it again. I did not remember it at all. This is a weird movie about a mad scientist who invented this formula to shrink people to miniature versions so that the world's food supply will last longer. He escapes from prison (why he was there in the first place, I have no clue) with his prison buddy---who was framed for a bank embezzlement scheme. The scientist soon dies of a heart attack and the friend hatches a plot to enact revenge on his former cohorts. Lionel Barrymore is in drag for most of the movie and we have this crazy woman who looks like the bride of Frankenstein or a demented version of Lilly Munster who is obsessed with continuing the work of her late husband, the guy who had the heart attack. Well, it is an experience watching this, but weird. Funny, too, but at the end, we sort of have a happy ending...sort of. Lionel reconnects with his daughter, although he does not say he is her father, so that turns out fine and dandy. But he, himself, just wanders off into the night. Weird....but interesting is the Devil-Doll.
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