Adventures of Superman: Mr. Zero (1957)
Season 5, Episode 12
So Incredibly Bad, It's Great!
27 December 2006
The Department of Defense calls Perry White at the Daily Planet, asking to see if Perry can get a hold of Superman. He's needed to help find a UFO that looks a rocket and has disappeared.

The next thing we know Jimmy Olsen is lounging all alone in Clark Kent's office when a little man in a flying saucer outfit appears at Kent's desk. The little guy says to Olsen - I'm not kidding here - "Take me to your leader!"

A minute later, Kent enters the room. The spaceman tells him he's from Mars. "It's a best place there ever could be," he says to Clark. He explains that he's been banished from Mars because he was considered "measely" and kind of useless. He also was too short. Everyone in Mars is 5 feet, 2, he said, and he's 5 feet, one and three-quarters," so he was booted off the planet. His name is "Mr. Zero-Zero-Zero-Minus One."

Need I go on?

It gets a lot crazier, believe it or not. This might be the goofiest and dumbest episode ever in the six-year history of the program. It IS funny, however, with genuinely funny lines and scenes. That's the charm of it - it's so bad, it's good! You just can't believe what you're was watching! On an intelligence scale this would be like the title - a big zero - but on the entertainment level, it rates a 10. It's hilariously bad.
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