The New Adam-12 (1990–1991)
On the Cheap
31 December 2006
I agree with the previous comment regarding the low quality of the show. Arthur L. Annecharico (the executive producer) did a number of series for Universal TV like the first-run syndicated episodes of Airwolf along with the revivals of The Munsters and Dragnet. When watching these productions, it is clearly evident that they were shot on a VERY limited budget. Since the syndication market was starting to dry up for these types of shows (anything that wasn't a sitcom) by the late 80's, it was a wise decision since they didn't take a financial bath when the returns were less than stellar. I remember Annecharico having trouble with the unions for some of his labor practices in L.A. (the revamped Airwolf was shot in Canada).
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