Possibly the Worst and yet somehow one of the Funniest movies ever
14 January 2007
I'm torn between rating this a 1 and a 10. The thing is, this movie is the finest example of something being so bad that it's utterly fantastic. Total 180...while still remaining terrible.

It was made in the mid-60s and looks like it. The dialog is horrible drivel that was clearly imagined by adults at the time who feared for their lives that their children might be holding hands or even more. This is an hilarious contrast with the cast that appears to be made up entirely of B Movie greatest hits type. The delivery of each line is inherently funny in how inhuman and out of place it all seems. Combine this with the message of "wholesome" conservative views--and I'm pretty socially conservative, but this is beyond ridiculous--that seems to tie in with the implication that attempted date rape is just a practical joke, chauvinism is endearing...I do'nt know what else to say. The plot is hilariously bad, the "romantic scenes" seemed so surreal that if a unicorn walked by it would've made more sense and generation gap is displayed as if the two parties are that of the Cold War. There's actually a scene where a father seems to just be giving up on his daughter, not because she's a slut or because she's going out go-go dancing to the worst surf music ever made, but because she's wearing boots of all things. I cannot stress enough how funny this film is due to the delivery of every poorly written line. Keanu Reeves is crying.

The seeming non sequitor of the sex ed teacher's discussion of her special video is intentionally shown in a way that makes it linger in your mind. You don't know how or when it's gonna come back to haunt you until the point of no return. You can't look back.

I saw this about 2 years ago, so I've forgotten about how awesomely bad it is for the most part, but i remember talking about it for weeks afterward. It's disturbingly comical and comically disturbing, though it was meant to be a serious film. If you think you can stomach how bad it is, the pay off will be worth it as you will undoubtedly site it as one of the funniest movies ever, and one of the worst. It's a two-fer.
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