Best movie ever!
3 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I absolute love this movie, it is now my favourite of all time. While keeping the plot of the movie similar to that of the book, they have modernised it and made it so much better. All the cast did an excellent job, even Delta although many say she didn't. How Delta portrayed Alison to me was how she was supposed to be.

I feel however that with the way the movie ended, there should be a sequel. How Alison's night at the Yurken house went, Barry and Erica's relationship, and most importantly how or if Erica's relationship with her family and the way she views them has changed. I would like to see the wedding of Erica's mum and Lennie. That's why I'm running a petition for a seqeul at the following website. Anyone is welcome sign.


This storyline is just to good to only have one movie on it. So producers if your reading this...please make a sequel. And make sure the actors all remain the same because they were brilliant.
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