One of the Best Films I Have Ever Seen in My Life
4 February 2007
I personally have found that some of the best films ever made are from China. Perhaps being a student of Chinese philosophy and being familiar with works like the writings of Chuang Tze has inclined me to be taken in by the timeless character of this story, like so many others. So many Chinese films are great because they are about timeless, enduring aspects of our being human and would have been relevant 3000 years ago as they are today, and will be 3000 years from now. And to me what makes and will always make a story great is exactly this: the human spirit as it unfolds in the process of interaction with others and its environment.

I cried in parts of this film because of the sheer mastery of several actors of such intense and profound magnitude being able to carry between themselves what seems like the entire universe of the human spirit and psyche. No props needed. No special effects. I wish there were more films like this.
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