A Disappointment, a Lost Opportunity
12 February 2007
As a pioneer-descended, Utah-raised Mormon bishop, I'm obliged to agree with some of the negative reviews. Perhaps I'm demanding, but when I see a comedy, I expect there to be a laugh or two somewhere in it. The actors are fine - very good, in fact. The film editing is fine. The script and direction are abysmal. Forget the plot holes and loose ends: The gratuitous swipes at other faiths and pro-LDS smugness are unbecoming and embarrassing. And I agree with one reviewer: enough with the paint ball obsession, Halestorm. This film wants to be funny and heart-warming and faith-promoting, but it comes out 0 for 3. The scriptwriters write as though they've no idea how to speak to a non-BYU audience. This film won't appeal to anyone but Mormons, and only the most undemanding at that. More's the pity.
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