Review of Volver

Volver (I) (2006)
The women scores, and so does Penelope
4 March 2007
Volver is a movie centering on women, for the woman.

Volver (pronounced Bol-ber in Spanish) means "Return". The theme "return" revolves around the film. Three generations of women: The granny (Carmen Maura) returning from the dead, the mother Raimunda (Penelope Cruz) returning from her discordant life, and daughter (Yohana Cobo) recovering from abuse from her step father.

Penelope Cruz is colorful and affecting playing Raimunda, probably her best role to date. This role will assure others of her capability to act, napping several Best Actresses nominations to date. She may have lost the Oscars to the Queen, but she won't be just known as the ex-girlfriend of Tom Cruise.

This is a culturally rich movie which brings us to the back alleys of Spain, looking at lives from the rich to the poor. The cinematography is vibrant as well, as the screen is littered with the rich tomatoes, floral dresses and a top-angle view of Penelope Cruz assets. All done on purpose and beautifully definitely.

There are many 'woman' issues – from motherhood, single hood, sister hood, self worth and independence. Male actors are almost non-existence, playing only bit parts and there is no hint of any impending love stories. Perhaps this is also why I didn't identify much with this movie. For the males, do not worry as Volver isn't any soapy melodrama. With its twists and fun, it is still an enjoyable comedy about second chances.

Volver – The women scores, and so does Penelope
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