Perfect World (2000–2001)
10 out of 10, British comedy at it's best.
6 March 2007
i would love to see series two of perfect world again, i haven't seen it since it aired on bbc2. i currently own series 1 and think it is absolutely fantastic. Paul Kaye is an absolute comedy genius and deserves to go very far. what a show, it doesn't come funnier than this. Bob Slay is one of the best characters in a sitcom, he's cruel, ruthless, and very funny. he is always putting himself in a corner but at the end he always comes out on top. his hapless assistant Maggie gets the brunt of Bobs cruelty, but she holds her own in a battle of sneakiness. Vaughan is another character who gets thrown to the sharks by Bobs ruthlessness, and he rarely has any kind of comeback. the marketing director however thinks of Bob as a son and is somewhat mentally challenged when it comes to behaving appropriately. all in all this is comedy writing and acting at its very best and there should definitely be a third series.
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