Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks: Part Three (1975)
Season 12, Episode 13
Great story.
26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks: Part 3 starts as a conveniently placed ledge saves Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen) from falling to her death during an escape attempt which fails & she is recaptured by the Thals. Meanwhile the Doctor (Tom Baker) & Harry (Ian Marter) have managed to escape from the Kaled bunker where they were being held as prisoners by Davros (Michael Wisher) with the help of good natured scientist Ronson (James Garbutt), they are able to speak to the Kaled government & try to convince them that the experiments conducted by Davros are a threat to the entire universe. Davros hears of this & decides that he might be better off without the Kaled race holding him back after all...

This Doctor Who adventure was episode 13 from season 12 that aired here in the UK during early 1975, directed by David Maloney I'm really enjoying Genesis of the Daleks although the lacklustre resolution to the cliffhanger ending at the end of Part 2 is a bit lame. The script by Terry Nation has reached it's half way point & with three episodes left to go I'm still hooked, neither the action or story have ever dragged & it has a great premise behind it which seems more intelligent & well thought out than the average Dotor Who, don't get me wrong this isn't groundbreaking or life changing stuff but it's lots of fun & provides fine entertainment. This episode has Davros betray his own people in a double cross to get rid of his enemies, the Doctor & Harry have finally remembered about Sarah & the whole plot is bubbling long nicely.

Love them or hate them the Daleks are the Doctors most well known adversaries, personally I think they look a bit daft but I suppose they serve a purpose. To be fair they haven't really featured much during the first three episodes to Genesis of the Daleks as it has centered on the politics & events surrounding their creation.

Genesis of the Daleks is a great story & well worth watching.
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