31 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This Christian had to force himself to watch what was otherwise a poorly acted, turgid film so riddled with holes it was laughable--just to see what all the fuss was about. The answer: A quest for a sugar-coated spirituality in which we make God in our image. Every 45 seconds, it seemed, we were sledge-hammered with another psycho-babble-larded lecture about self-fulfillment. Consider, for instance, the theology of money presented in this film: It's phony and self- serving. Early in the film Walsch asks why the people who give the most to the world don't receive the most $$$$. Fair enough; who wouldn't agree? But it's a setup to paper over the bankruptcy of the much later scene in which his agent arm-twists another half-million out of his publisher. Question: If the writer had become so connected to God, why did he sit so quietly during the extortion scene? For that matter, why didn't he give his advice away for free, as, say, Jesus did? In fact, that was my biggest problem with the movie: I found nothing likable about the main character (or the others, for that matter, who came across as codependent losers). By the time he got around to distributing those fat cash-packed envelopes, he had lost me. This movie purports to convey that God is with you in your worst moments and will help you lift yourself up. That's a message worth telling over and over. But the real message that comes across is that there are big bucks to be made in spouting clichés about self-development and easy answers for life's most difficult questions (such as, Why did my son die in a motorcycle accident?) Having survived the movie, I think I'll pass on Walsch's books and watered-down spirituality, and stick to Jesus and the breaking of bread, not the making of ($$$), for my connection with God.
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