Pass the Bong, Please
10 April 2007
The first 35 minutes of Meet the Robinsons is an incomprehensible mishmash of manic activity. It makes for and odd dichotomy, as kids watching it are probably torn by confusion as to what is going on, and simultaneously entertained by the manic humor on the screen.

Its the story about an orphaned kid who attends a science fair to show off one of his many inventions and is accosted by another kid who reputedly comes from the future. Thats about all I got out of the first few minutes as it--I kept looking over at my kids to see if they were as confused as me, but the non-stop action kept them glued to the screen. Although ultimately this movie's plot makes sense, its probably too complicated for the younger set to "get", and it really made me think that the creators were a bunch of stoned kids putting the craziest crap on the screen that they could think of.

All in all, MTR is highly imaginative, visually stunning, and the kid from the future is animated to make him look like a Jim Carrey clone, which I doubt was accidental, although Jim wasn't credited as far as I could see.

This film could probably do better with multiple viewings on DVD, but its worth seeing on the big screen because of the great visuals.
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