A good, though not exactly groundbreaking follow-up film
16 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Because this film is pretty much a rehash of the last STREET FIGHTER film--with a very, very similar plot and an assistant that is destined to be dead meat by the end of the film. About the only real improvement I noticed was that leading man Sonny Chiba had a decent haircut for once! Like the last film in the series, the Yakuza orders a hit on Chiba because he won't do business with them. About the only difference is that apparently the American mafia is also involved--though oddly the guy they got to play the Don looked more like John Lennon in his big hair and beard days and nothing like Vito Corleone! This was pretty poor casting, as the guy just looked like a young hippie.

Also like the first Street Fighter movie, Chiba uses a combination of martial arts techniques (including more judo this time) to kick the butts of dozens of bad guys. I did notice, though, that Chiba's athleticism showed off more in this film as he did some incredibly leaps and spins and tumbles. But once again, Chiba is a very pragmatic man. Instead of just beating up the bad guys like the usual martial arts hero, his anti-hero takes the effort to then kill almost all the attackers as well--in very brutal fashion--with tons of blood and fingers through the throat, etc. This makes for a much more realistic sort of martial arts film than those of Jackie Chan or even Bruce Lee (who did kill some of those he fought in his movies, but not nearly as many as Chiba), but they also make the films a BAD choice for kids (though it is a bit less bloody than its predecessor)!! Plus, this film does have a bit of nudity--so take note.

By the way, I am not saying that Chiba was better than Bruce Lee--but he fought to win and to destroy his opponents even more than Lee did in his films. Both were super-realistic and talented, but Chiba's style was even more brutal, whereas Lee took on more men simultaneously and fought in a quicker manner.

Overall, for lovers of martial arts films, you won't be disappointed. However, understand that there isn't anything all that new here--it is in many ways just a rehash of STREET FIGHTER.

Finally,...what's up with Sonny's lady friend?!!? She looked for all the world like a Japanese version of Pippi Longstockings!!! And that terribly dubbed voice! Ugh! The rest of the dubbing was excellent, but she sounded almost like a cartoon character!
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