Saccharine treatment of a sports legend
19 April 2007
The story of baseball legend Lou Gehrig gets the saccharine treatment in this biopic of his life.If you are looking for a realistic depiction of Gehrig's life you'd do right to skip this film,but it is brilliantly made and served the movie-going public what it wanted during the war. Gary Cooper is magnificent in the title-role and is matched all the way by Teresa Wright as his wife.Wright was perhaps one of the best unsung actresses of the forties.Gehrig's legendary teammate Babe Ruth plays himself,which he does very well.There's competent support by Walter Brennan and Dan Duryea as sportswriters.As Gehrig's parents Ludwig Stossel and Elsa Janssen were a bit annoying.The highlight of the movie is Cooper's performance of Gehrig's farewell speech at the time he was suffering from the disease, that bears his name,which killed him. Cooper does one his ultimate achievements as an actor in that scene.
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