Old Glory (1939)
A Reminder
26 April 2007
This was an old-fashioned patriotic cartoon, not intended for laughs but to remind those at the time what "Old Glory" means. They didn't have to remind U.S. citizens for long since they learned a few years later with their entrance into World War II.

In this cartoon, Porky Pig is upset because he has to memorize the Pledge Of Allegiance. He tosses away a book where the Pledge is written and takes a nap. Suddenly, Uncle Sam appears and explains to the sleeping-yet alert Porky why he should learn it. One of the first things he tells him is "I'm afraid there are a lot of us who don't appreciate our freedom." Wow, how true, especially today when it seems fashionable by a number of ungrateful people to bash this country.

Uncle Sam's history lessons begins in 1775 with Nathan Hale and goes quickly through the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, the exploration and sacrifices made by pioneers going West, and finishing with the eloquent writing of Abraham Lincoln.

The artwork in here is super, just a great restoration job done by the people who present this one and many others on the Looney Tunes Golden Collection DVDs. To be fair, for those disappointed because they expect laughs in a cartoon, that's understandable.
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