Teletubbies (1997–2001)
No value for parents or children
3 May 2007
With all the programming on TV these days, there are many other more educational options for your children. These days many parents are blamed for letting the TV babysit their kids. If you are going to sit your children down in front of the TV for a couple hours, for whatever reason, and this show is on, CHANGE THE CHANNEL. There is absolutely no educational value to this show. I have a two year old and although many would think that this show is strictly to "entertain" a toddler or keep them occupied for a half hour, it's simply not true. Change it to Dora or Diago or Sesame Street. Babies and toddlers will actually be entertained and they may even learn something. My two year old can count to 50 and say her ABC's. She knows these things by my teaching her in combination with shows like Sesame Street and Dora the Explorer. The only thing that toddlers learn from such a pointless show as this is how to repeat the words "again, again" and " Time for Teletubbies". Doctors as well as others trained in the field of child development urge parents not to jabber in baby talk to children who are ready to learn to talk, or who are already talking. This show is nothing but gibberish and baby talk and has no educational value at all. My friends two year old now calls all cereal, soup and pudding "Tele-Tusturd"...something he picked up on this worthless "childrens" show. Do your kids a favor and change the station to something that will at least educate them and teach them to speak correctly.
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