Adventures of Superman: Superman on Earth (1952)
Season 1, Episode 1
The Super Genesis as retold for the Television Generation.
13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When beginning a new film, series or whatever on a character and American institution like Superman, care has to be exercised in two areas. First of all, one would have to be careful to be as faithful to the original origin story. (original origin? You know what I mean.)The second problem is to make the necessary adjustment ts to insure that the current audience will be able to take it in as being believable, within the context of the fictional character being portrayed.

The first or 'origin' episode has to contend with this.Giving all above and to provide the viewer with a little sense the tone of the story line. The writing and directing team did an excellent job of accomplishing these ends. Their efforts were successful beyond their expectations in bringing a good inaugural episode to the series.

First of all, we are told by narrator (Jack Narz) of the great civilization of super scientifically advanced people living on the great planet, Krypton. We view the Council of Krypton in session. The Planet's greatest Scientist and Father to the baby Kal-el, Jor-el is having no success in warning the Kryptonian leaders of the impending doom that awaits their world. He is warned that to continue to be alarmist or to make any preparations on his own would be treasonous.

The catastrophe comes sooner than expected, and Jor-el instructs his wife, Lara to take their baby, Kal-el (the infant and future Superman) into the miniature rocket he has developed as prototype to a great spaceship, and go together. Lara the mother refuses, insisting that she must remain with her husband. The tiny spaceship is launched with only the infant Superman inside.

The rocket goes to Earth, where the Kents find it with him in it. They raise the boy, who discovers that there are many things different about him. Pa Kent cashes in his chips, and after the Funeral, Ma Kent sees Clark Kent, now a grown man (from the baby Kal-el), sees him off to the 'Big City'.

All of the above, with very little variance, is the way the Origin of Superman has been told. The little differences were only in not being to settle on the given names for the Kents. Was it John & Mary, Eben & Sarah, Jonathon & Martha? The rest of the pilot installment involved Kent getting his Reporter gig and rescuing the man from falling from the Blimp ( Dabbs Greer). It also sets up his relationship with a blustery Editor, Perry White (John Hamilton), a feisty Lois Lane (Phyllis Coates) and a bumbling Jimmy Olsen (Jack Larson).

All in all, the production did a very credible job of covering all the bases for all viewers, be they new or old fans of the Super Saga.
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