Mitchum Film I Never Viewed
20 May 2007
Was surprised to view this Robert Mitchum film where he stars as a Mexican who was raised in Mexico named Martin Brady. Martin meets up with Julie London, (Helen Colton) who is married to Gary Merrill,(Major Stark Colton) and has a hot affair with Helen. There is a murder and Martin Brady kills this man and has a bounty on his head for two-hundred dollars and runs back to Mexico to escape the law. Albert Dekker, (Texas Ranger Capt. Rucker) along with Jackie Oakie, (Travis Hyte) give an outstanding performance. There is a very romantic relationship between Martin Brady and Helen Colton and they both meet together when Helen Colton's husband, Major Stark Colton is wounded and Martin tries to bring him to safety. Excellent film from 1959, great photography and a great story. Gary Merrill was married to Betty Davis in the real world. Great film, Enjoy!
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