Review of Troy

Troy (2004)
Classic battle
23 May 2007
This was a war about the battle for one woman. That sure does go along way. Wolfgang Peterson gives a special meaning to honor, loyalty, and betrayal in this drama based on the book "The Illiad." Helen and Paris give new meaning to the name of heartbreakers. Paris saw himself as somewhat of a so-called "player" who saw opportunity with Helen as his new love. Helen was unhappy with her marriage to Spartan king, Menelaus. They should have seen this coming. Menelaus becomes enraged and goes to his powerful brother, Agamemnon. Agamemnon calls all armies together to conquer Troy and get Helen back. With that, he summons Achilles, the world's greatest warrior known to man. Achilles does not like to serve under anyone but himself. Standing in the way is the Trojan King Priam. He is protected by his other son and warrior Hector. The battle scenes are great, especially Achilles and Hector. Fight to death!!!!!
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