Inexcusable Horse $#1t Posing As A Movie
18 June 2007
I believe this is my first one-star rating for an IMDb comment entry, and the only reason I award it one star is that there is no zero star setting. I watched an extremely rare Greek made video of this film last fall and only now have found the stomach to discuss it: I gave up at about the fifty minute point, depressed, sickened and feeling used. This is a movie that had no artistic urgency behind it's making, it was just an attempt by some producers and distributors to cash in on a notorious XXX rape fantasy movie made under the same title, FORCED ENTRY. The plot for both is the same: Demented psychopathic retard working at a gas station uses the opportunity and in some cases house keys left behind by his female customers to rape, torture, and then murder them. Are we having fun yet?

I have never seen the original version. Rape fantasy movies are about as useful to me as a hemorrhaging spleen or perhaps the decomposing carcass of a camel. But from all accounts the 1974 porn version of FORCED ENTRY is one of the harshest, most uncompromising and gleefully evil movies ever made, working as a sort of a warped commentary on the post-Vietnam era violence obsessed culture which bred it's lunatic murderer. Even if offered the chance to partake I would decline, I do not need to see such things when stuff like the complete H.R. PUFFNSTUFF box set is available, or the bathroom needs cleaning. Life is short.

The XXX version at least stood for something and was an original idea taken to it's logical extreme; It is filth for sure, yet at least the filmmakers had the guts to get down there in the trenches with their viewers. By contrast, the 1975 MPAA R rated film is a dismal, depressing slog "livened up" by moments of suggestively sick violence involving things like the bondage rape & murder of a 15 year old girl who stops by the protagonist's filling station with a flat tire on her bike. The attack is not shown in detail but in a suggestive manner that is perhaps even more disturbing in that it allows the viewer to complete the images in their mind's eye. The retarded animal at the center of the story is a general walking disaster area, every attractive young woman who comes in contact with him ends up dead after being mauled & mutilated, and after about the fourth murder I simply decided I'd had enough. To this day I have no idea nor do I care as to how the movie resolved itself.

The problem is that the film does not have the interest to be true to it's own convictions, and uses the MPAA R certificate as an excuse to back off from showing exactly what it is that it's target audience of vicarious sex criminals are tuning in to see. It is more interested in selling tickets than being true to its own nature, an incredibly irresponsible approach since there are some who probably took the suggestions seriously. We already had the urban legend of the service station attendant who uses the trust put in him by his female customers to compromise them. It seems to me that what this movie serves to do is provide a sort of blueprint to how you go about bringing that fantasy to life, but does not have the balsam to show the necessary payoff to complete the circle and evoke the sheer revulsion that the XXX version reportedly does.

Frankly though, I have wasted too much time on this pathetic, stupid, meaningless and unredeemable movie. Cult DVD company Code Red is supposedly preparing a DVD release, and my question is, why? Who on earth do they think is interested in seeing this? aside from uninformed James Bond fans hoping to catch a glimpse of Tonya Roberts' tits, and the contingent of sick, dangerous perverts who get their jollies out of watching movies that show women suffering. If that's the best they can do for a demographic then they have missed the point of low budget cult horror with an erotic tinge: There are SO many clever, interesting and sick, demented little horror movies out there waiting to be discovered that there is no excuse for making this available aside from sheer greed. The notoriety of the title might ensure enough sales to earn back their production cost and make a few dollars, but it will do so at the expense of a lot of goodwill. Starting with mine.

1/10: Complete garbage, without any redeeming qualities at all and that includes the early performances by the A-list actresses snookered into making the film.
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