Review of Hairspray

Hairspray (2007)
26 June 2007
As a fan of the stage musical, I was worried that the film might not measure up - but they hit this one out of the ballpark! Bright, bouncy and joyously hilarious! A big smile hit my face as soon as it started and I didn't stop grinning until the end of the credits.

I haven't heard a press screening audience applaud after musical numbers since "Chicago" - and they cheered! The huge cast is uniformly terrific. Travolta, Pfeiffer and Walken are a hoot and Nikki Blonsky couldn't be more perfect.

The performances, script, lyrics, sight gags and costumes wage an all-out assault on your funny bone. Even the set dressing gets laughs!

This is the movie musical that Grease, Rent and Dreamgirls should have been.

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