The Fallen Ones (2005 TV Movie)
Awful but funny
30 June 2007
This cheapo but oddly watchable mummy flick is one of those made-for-TV deals that stars several has-beens and pretty faces who can't act. The has-beens in this case are Tom Bosley and Robert Wagner, who probably thought they were doing a LOVE BOAT reunion. The pretty-faced nonactors include Casper Van Dien and Kristin Miller. I have no idea what the great Geoffrey Lewis is doing in this. Actually, the Iranian-born actor, who plays the chief villain, Nahvid N., wasn't bad, but pretty much all he gets to do is talk, talk, talk until you're ready to switch to a rerun of that old Olson Twins show. For a great rundown on the plot, check out the first IMDb synopsis. I shan't go into it here other than to add the flick borrows liberally from JURASSIC PARK, THE MUMMY and SAHARA. Not bad films to steal from. To say THE FALLEN ONES plot line is ambitious is not giving it enough credit. But what we get is a bunch of stiff-assed actors standing around most of the time. The action is severely limited in what should have been an action-packed horror comedy flick. The CGI isn't bad for a TV movie. The idea of a 42-ft.-tall mummy chasing around the countryside isn't bad, either. Neither is the 42-ft.-tall mechanical mummy (see the movie). Watch it for laughs if nothing else.
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