Meadowlands (2007)
Lynch-light; relatively satisfying home-grown British drama with a bizarre twist
14 July 2007
Released puzzlingly as "Cape Wrath" in the UK (the US title was the more appropriate "Meadowlands"), this British production has David Morrissey and his improbably photogenic family moving to a mysterious town under new identities. It's not long before the family encounter violence, sexual tension and oodles of weirdness.

I remain unconvinced of Morrissey's performance in this drama but the beautiful Lucy Cohu is mesmerising as his wife, Evelyn. Cohu drips sensuality and the later scenes in the first episode are thick with sexual tension.

Harry Treadaway is convincing as the shell-shocked son and Felicity Jones delivers a memorable performance as teenage temptress, Zoe.

The gritty element of the script is provided early-on by bad-boy Jack Donnelly, played by Tom Hardy. Hardy is the animalistic handyman whose activities go way beyond fitting broken shelves.

Not a patch on US drama, the series starts well but falters towards an anti-climatic ending. In the end, "Cape Wrath" outstays its welcome.
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