Wedding Slasher
24 July 2007
Yet another enjoyable 80's slasher but added with a little something different. The characters are not stupid teens, the killer doesn't wear a mask and there is not gratuitous gore and nudity prioritized for plot and story. This is actually a really neat and slick slasher film, and not as sleazy as many other movies of the same type.

The acting is above average. Caitlin O'Heaney is a really sincere and likable heroine, who - like her on screen friends - is so sympathetic that you really care for her. Don Scardino is also very likable, and fun, as O'Heaney's ex-boyfriend. Also, for curiosity seekers, a pre-fame Tom Hanks (in his debut) pops up in an early role and fits in rather well. Too bad his on screen time is limited to two scenes where he explains the psychology of fear.

This film has quite a bit of suspense and thrilling horror and adding to the suspense and thrills. Only O'Heaney's character is aware that something's wrong and it's her fear that we can sympathize with. Also there are effective locations like amusement parks, movie theatres (in a good opening scene that obviously inspired "Scream 2") and a big house.

Unfortunately the film has some serious flaws. It would work really well as a thriller but is obviously built up like a slasher film. Still it lacks gore and the murders are very unoriginal and often off-screen. Also, like many horror films this starts out great but falls back on a disappointing climax. After behaving pretty rationally throughout the movie our heroine makes several stupid mistakes before turning into a wimp who doesn't seem to be able to defend herself.

All in all a slick slasher film with a good and likable cast sympathetic characters and suspenseful situations.
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